The LEO Club “roars” in support of literacy and art!
The LEO Club, a youth service club affiliated with the San Juan Island Lions Club presented two donation checks to the San Juan Public Schools Foundation (SJPSF) in support of literacy at Friday Harbor Elementary School and art at Friday Harbor High School.
The SJPSF helps supplement state and federal funding to provide a quality education for our island’s children through supporting the public schools with materials and supplies.
On December 4th, the LEO Club presented SJPSF President Rich Meenan with a targeted donation of $600 in support of a mini-grant request submitted to the SJPSF by the 2nd grade teachers. This mini-grant was for the purchase of leveled reading books for grades K-2 at the elementary school. In addition, a $350 check was presented by the LEO Club for on-going art supply needs at the high school.
The LEO Club’s gifts arose from a discussion between SJPSF Board member Krista Mattox and Lions Club member BJ Brandli. When Ms. Brandli heard about this funding need, she passed the information to the LEO Club.
LEO Club President Zach Fincher pounced on the opportunity. Every year in May the LEO Club holds a “Golf Scramble” as a fundraiser at the San Juan Golf and Tennis Club for the money to address local needs. This coming May will be their 12th year ‘scrambling” for philanthropy. “LEO” stands for Leadership, Equality, and Opportunity.
LEO co-advisors BJ Brandli and John Bostrom are delighted with their young pride. LEO officers include President Zach Fincher (Sr.), Vice President Fionnoula Bourne (Soph.), Secretary Kiana Woods (Sr.), and Treasurer Lucy Urbach (Jr.). There are currently 31 high school LEO members.
According to Ms. Brandli, “Doing good things is what the LEO Club is all about. We contribute time, labor, and money to our community. In short, we fulfill our motto: We Serve.”
SJPSF President Rich Meenan stated, “The LEO Club is a great example of local students serving their community. Their generous donations will help our 2nd graders learn to read as well as advance the school arts program. We thank the LEO Club for their contributions and applaud them for their community spirit!”